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Microsoft Stock FY2024 Q2 Third-party Analysts' Forecast & Preview


Table of Content

Part 1: Microsoft Stock Latest News

1. Latest MSFT Microsoft Stock Price, December 4th, 2023

2. Microsoft Stock Price Performance, December 4th, 2023

  • - Last 7 Days: -2.14%
  • - Last 1 Month: +5.26%
  • - Last 6 Months: +11.95%
  • - Last 1 Year: +51.02%
  • - YTD: +22.64%

Microsoft (MSFT) stock has rallied significantly so far in 2023, gaining over 30% as of August 30. This has lifted Microsoft's valuation and share price to levels that may make it difficult for shareholders to see market-beating returns in the short term. However, Microsoft recently concluded an excellent fiscal year in 2023, with annual revenue up 11% and operating earnings up 14%. 

The company benefited from enterprises shifting to the cloud, despite weaknesses in the PC business. According to The Motley Fool, while the stock may be expensive currently trading at over 11 times annual sales, Microsoft's market position, brand power, and diversity appear to make it an attractive long-term investment.


Source: Where Will Microsoft Stock Be in 3 Years? (The Motley Fool) >>



Part 2:Microsoft FY2024 Q1 Earnings Report Recap

1. Microsoft Key Indicators and Historical Earnings Report


  Microsoft FY2024 Q1 Key Indicators   Value   YOY
  EPS   $2.99   +27.23%
  PE Ratio   38.69   /
  FCF   $20.7B   +22.18%
  Current Ratio   1.66   -9.60%
  ROA   5.20%   +7.26%
  ROE   10.44%   +1.15%
  Gross Margin   71.16%   +2.87%
  Net Margin   39.44%   +12.60%


For more information, such as definitions and explanations of the above technical terms, please view:

Interpretation of Key Indicators >>


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2. Microsoft FY2024 Q1 Business Highlights

● Office Commercial products and cloud services revenue was up 12% (increased 14% in constant currency), driven by Office 365 Commercial revenue growth of 15% (up 17% in constant currency).
● Office Consumer products and cloud services revenue increased 3% (up 6% in constant currency) and Microsoft 365 Consumer subscribers grew to 67.0 million.
● LinkedIn revenue increased 5% (up 7% in constant currency).
● Dynamics products and cloud services revenue increased 19% (up 21% in constant currency) driven by Dynamics 365 revenue growth of 26% (up 28% in constant currency).
● Server products and cloud services revenue increased 17% (up 18% in constant currency) driven by Azure and other cloud services revenue growth of 26% (up 27% in constant currency).
● Devices revenue decreased 20% (down 18% in constant currency).
● Windows Commercial products and cloud services revenue increased 2% (up 3% in constant currency).
● Xbox content and services revenue increased 5% (up 6% in constant currency).
● Search and news advertising revenue excluding traffic acquisition costs increased 8%.


Source: Microsoft Earnings Release FY23 Q4 (microsoft.com) >>


  • Key Takeaways
    - MSFT continues to perform well fundamentally, but growth is moderating amid macro uncertainty. The cloud segment remains a bright spot.
    - Management is controlling costs well, protecting profitability. But slower revenue requires continued discipline.
    - MSFT expects gradual growth from AI services, a key area of investment. But benefits likely won't accrue until 2H FY2024.
    Regulatory overhang remains regarding the Activision deal, though optimism is building it will close.
  • Revenue and Growth
    ● MSFT reported Q4 FY2022 revenue of $56.19 billion, up 8% year-over-year. This was slightly above analyst expectations of $55.47 billion.
    ● Revenue growth has slowed to single digits for three consecutive quarters, down from over 10% growth in previous quarters. This indicates slowing demand.
    ● MSFT expects Q1 FY2023 revenue of $53.8-$54.8 billion, implying 8% YoY growth at the midpoint. This is below analyst expectations of $54.94 billion.
  • Operating Segments
    ● Intelligent Cloud revenue was $23.99 billion, up 15% YoY. Azure cloud revenue grew 26% YoY, down from 40% growth a year ago but above expectations of 25% growth. This indicates robust cloud demand but moderating growth rates.
    ● Productivity & Business Processes revenue was $18.29 billion, up 10% YoY driven by Office and LinkedIn.
    ● More Personal Computing revenue was $13.91 billion, down 4% YoY due to tough PC shipment comparisons. However, Windows licensing revenue beat expectations.
  • Profitability
    ● Net income was $20.08 billion, up 20% YoY, driven by revenue growth and cost discipline.
    ● Operating expenses only grew 2% YoY as MSFT controlled costs. R&D expenses declined YoY for the first time since 2016.


Source: Microsoft shares dip after quarterly revenue guidance misses expectations. (www.cnbc.com) >>



Part 3:Microsoft FY2024 Q2 Earnings Report Forecast & Preview

1. Microsoft FY2024 Q2 Forecast By Third Party Analyst Rating, December 4th

Following an extensive evaluation of Tesla's financial data, revenue, and stock trends over the last few quarters by more than 36 third-party financial analysts, MSFT Stock has been given a Strong Buy rating. Analysts forecast an average stock price of $412.870 (Average) for the next 12 months.


- Third Party Analyst rating: Strong Buy

- Microsoft Price Target: $412.870

- Forecast of FY2024 Q2 EPS: $2.754

- Forecast of FY2024 Q2 Revenue: $61B

- Forecast of FY2024 Q2 EBIT: $25.9B


Source: https://www.benzinga.com/quote/MSFT/analyst-ratings


For more information on what the analyst ratings may mean, visit https://pro.benzinga.com/blog/what-do-stock-analyst-ratings-mean/ (Benzinga is not affiliated with Moomoo Technologies Inc., Moomoo Financial Inc., or its affiliates.)

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2. Microsoft Forecast By Technical Analysis, December 4th, 2023

  Technical Indicators   Value   Signal
  KDJ   k:60.649 D:75.264 J:31.420   bearish
  OSC   OSC:403.289   bearish
  BIAS   BIAS1:-1.055 BIAS2:-0.464 BIAS3:2.412   neutral
  RSI(12)   RSI12:59.855   neutral
  RSI(24)   RSI24:61.857   bearish
  MACD   DIF:9.926 DEA:10.746 MACD:-1.639   neutral
  MA   MA5:378.716 MA10:376.922 MA20:370.477 MA30:358.581 MA60:341.831   neutral
  BOLL   MID:370.477 UPPER:387.394 LOWER:353.561   neutral


For more information, such as definitions and explanations of the above technical terms, please view: 

Interpretation of technical indicators >>

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