moomoo AU Help Center-Financial Year Summary Glossary
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Financial Year Summary Glossary

Currency Exchange Rate

Item Name
AUD Equivalent
measures how many Australian dollars are required to purchase one foreign currency
Currency per AUD
measures how many foreign currencies are required to purchase one Australian dollar

Portfolio Valuation

Item Name
Value At Start of Period
Portfolio value as at start of fiscal year(e.g 2023.07.01)
Value At End of Period
Portfolio value as at end of fiscal year(e.g 2024.06.30)

Estimated Dividend Overview

Item Name
Security Code
Stock symbol
Security Name
Name of the company
Ex Date
The date on which a stock begins trading without the value of its upcomming dividend payment
Payment Date
The date on which dividend payment was paid
Cash Dividend/Unit
The amount paid per share held
Participating shares
Number of shares held and entitled to dividend payment
Franked Amount
The amount of dividend which has been franked
Unfranked Amount
The amount of dividend which has not been franked
Total Payment
The gross amount paid, being Cash Dividend/Unit * Participating shares
Withholding Tax
The amount of tax withheld from the dividend
Net Amount
The net amount paid, being Total Payment less Withholding Tax
Franking Credit
The share of tax paid by company on the profits from which dividends or distributions are paid

Interest Overview

Item Name
Payment Date
The date on which interest was paid
Total Payment
The gross amount was paid
Withholding Tax
The amount of tax withheld from the interest
Net Amount
The net amount paid after tax has been withheld

Transaction Overview

Item Name
Transaction Date
The date on which the trade was executed
Settlement Date
The date on which transaction was due to settle
The type of order placed
Security Code
Stock symbol
Security Name
Name of the company
The number of instrument bought or sold
Avg. Price
The average price at which the instruments were bought or sold
Transaction Amount
The gross amount of transaction, being Quantity * Avg. Price
The brokerage charged for each transaction (including GST)
The GST charged for each transaction for brokerage and any other fees
Net Amount
The consideration paid or receive after brokerage and GST applied