moomoo CA Help Center-Currency Conversion
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Currency Conversion

Currency Conversion Fees

Monthly Trade Value (USD) Transaction Amount per order (USD) Fees per order (USD)
≤ $1,000,000,000 $0 - $100,000 0.09% * Transaction Amount + $2
> $100,000 0.092% * Transaction Amount
$1,000,000,000.01 - $2,000,000,000 $0 - $100,000 0.09% * Transaction Amount + $1.5
> $100,000 0.0915% * Transaction Amount
$2,000,000,000.01 - $5,000,000,000 $0 - $125,000 0.09% * Transaction Amount + $1.25
> $125,000 0.091% * Transaction Amount
> $5,000,000,000 $0 - $125,000 0.09% * Transaction Amount + $1
> $125,000 0.0908% * Transaction Amount


1. Tiers are based on the combined Monthly Trade Value of Spot Currency trades in USD or the USD currency equivalent. Fees for currency conversion between USD and CAD trades are calculated off the transaction amount per order, then converted and charged to the account's base currency.

2. Due to fluctuations in foreign exchange markets, please note that the spot FX rates may change anytime during the day.

3. Moomoo CA reserves the right to change the fees contained in our fee schedule at our own discretion without prior notice.