I'm really not too proficient this, and I am fumbling and tumbling along the way.
Micron and OKTA unexpectedly gapped up earlier this month, and the covered call options' expiry are coming soon (Micron's is this Friday).
Assuming the market price on Friday remains above my strike price like what it is now, when is the right time for me to roll it/ them? Is it at the very last moment or earlier? How should I determine what and when to do it, and how to opt...
Micron and OKTA unexpectedly gapped up earlier this month, and the covered call options' expiry are coming soon (Micron's is this Friday).
Assuming the market price on Friday remains above my strike price like what it is now, when is the right time for me to roll it/ them? Is it at the very last moment or earlier? How should I determine what and when to do it, and how to opt...


LPPL : u can always let them go and sell put option again. after all you believe their stock will go up right?
so sell put option now (at lower strike price), earn the premium. if you get assigned, congrats on getting the stock at cheaper price!
CNNT OP LPPL : The problem is the 'if'', if I get it back at lower price. But what if in don't? Not willing to lose it now, I'm only entered these positions recently. Not done with it yet.