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US jobless claims hit 3-month high: Stay home or back to office?
The back and forth of the pandemic caused unprecedented impact not only on the economy but also on the labor market. The U.S. weekly jobless Show More
The back and forth of the pandemic caused unprecedented impact not only on the economy but also on the labor market. The U.S. weekly jobless claims increased 55,000 to 286,000, hitting a 3-month high. The number of Americans quitting their jobs rose to 4.5 million, a record high, in November while job openings stayed stubbornly above pre-pandemic levels.
On the one hand, businesses may have to raise wages to tackle the labor shortage. On the other hand, quit rates may give Americans access to better employment opportunities.
What do you think are the meanings behind record jobless claims? Would you prefer staying home or getting back to the office?
Reward: leave your comment before Jan 26, and 6 mooers will win 600 points! (based on originality and quality)

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    Welcome back Mooers.
    In today discussion, we will talk about US jobless claims that hit 3-month high.
    Last week (10 Jan 2022 to 15 Jan 2022) saw the jobless claims increased from 55,000 to 286,000, which is the highest level since mid-October 2021. This is also the third straight weekly increase in jobless claims.
    According to Reuters, the increase may have been influenced by the unfavourable seasonal factors after the holid...
    Do the leap of faith, jump out of the boat and fly to the moon!
    Do the leap of faith, jump out of the boat and fly to the moon!
    So many companies are getting ready to roll out the Metaverse but I just can’t see people wanting to stay home anymore. I know there will be an audience for it, but I just think the majority will just not find it appealing to put a headset on after 2+ years of not really going out.
    Meta is saying they expect to have 1 billion users in the next 5 years. I just can’t see that many people buying headsets and opting to go to a virtual bar wit...
    Looks like I'm in the minority here - I want to stay home!
    If anything positive came from this pandemic it's been the freedom of choice for so many to work from home or anywhere.
    Employers have been resistant to telecommuting for years until forced into it. I. fir one, am thrilled!
    My husband came out of retirement to work remotely for a bank in another State. He's so much happier now.
    There is no reason for him to have to spend 12+ hours per week commuting, waste money on dry...
    it’s time to get back to the office and back to work again. Joe Biden and the Social Spendocrate Democratic Communist party have overreached their authority for far to long now. This thing has never been about covid 19 and everything about showing the people how Joe can strip rights and freedom away and people will beg to have it done.
    Wild day today
    $Invesco QQQ Trust(QQQ.US)$ The stock market struggled for direction, with the Nasdaq (QQQ) eventually closing red after jumping roughly 2% early on in the session. Market participants continue to digest the Federal Reserve’s hawkish pivot, a fresh weekly unemployment report, and ongoing earnings season.
    The Labor Department released its weekly unemployment report on Thursday, which showed first-time claims unexpectedly jumping compared to consensus ...
    In all honesty, wages have not been keeping pace with inflation and costs of living, especially in markets such as Los Angeles and New York City. Our elected officials take forever and 15 days to do something for the average citizen while giving themselves nice pay hikes about every 5 years or so.
    During the current health conditions I would much rather be at home, keeping myself and my family safe. Isolation is preferable than watching a loved one die of COV...
    My opinion is that someone should never stop working unless the safety of that person or someone else is in danger because that person chooses to not stay at home .. Honestly it's not a choice for most of us , we either work or allow our family to go hungry and our bills to not be paid . Right now finding jobs isn't the problem that everyone is facing, it's the virus that's the enemy and it will need to be eliminated because this new way of life that's...
    Well, we all heard stories through the years about what our future would look like as the computer age continues to take over everything it seems or affect the world around us at the very least.
    Yes, Phones had chords at one time, Rewind was a real thing (and you're as old as I am if you didn't need to pause to figure that one out, lol) Latex was unforgivably in fashion along with th...
    Got out of prison during all this and now I really can find a job anywhere not only because I'm a felon but no one is hiring because of covid so even if I didn't want to be stuck home I'm stuck home by force of covid.
    Working at offices helps people meet people in the community. Leaving home and being a part of your community or society makes it a safer place. People are less likely to commit crimes against people they know or have met on multiple occasions. It also creates eyewitnesses which deters crimes. Everyone working from home is a terrible idea and will never be successful in a prosperous society.