Dear mooers, we are excited to announce our upcoming event, "What to expect in the 2nd half of 2023?" which will take place on Wednesday, June 7 at 6 PM in the Penthouse of New York.
This event will feature a thought-provoking round-table discussion on investment opportunities in the second half of 2023. @Larry Jones, @Stock Moe, @Stocks with Josh, and @Kenan Grace will share their insights on the global economic outlook, investmen...
This event will feature a thought-provoking round-table discussion on investment opportunities in the second half of 2023. @Larry Jones, @Stock Moe, @Stocks with Josh, and @Kenan Grace will share their insights on the global economic outlook, investmen...

Myself, Larry Jones, Kenan Grace, and Stocks With Josh are holding a meet and greet with Moomoo as the sponsor for the first 200 or so signups for free in New York City June 7th at the Penthouse. (Address is given once you sign up). If you want to attend, here is the link and please sign up quickly so it doesn’t fill up before you get in.
Ready to take some notes and learn from the best guru YouTube investors. New York, here we come!
I already get great insight from the " core four" to have an opportunity to meet and greet is, out of this world, in my opinion. I will be there in spirit. bring yo note pad.
I expect a day to day battle of wit and ability to DYODD and research the 💩 out of a company. There will be plenty of sectors that will be getting hot, need to pick them off. I look forward to attending the NY event and getting a refreshing few hours of brilliant like minded people.
Ev's and their markets. Who will be big in the future?
ned help don't know what I am doing
5andNine : I follow 3 of the 4 speakers and belive this will turn out to be a truly valuable event, too bad I'm in another state and can't travel......
migueltorez : I will be out of town. Hopefully they come to NYC again.
Revelation 6 : I will fly there from Minneapolis to be in attendance but I need a ticket first.
Hidden Beauty : I want in
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Moomoo US OP :
Hi, mooers. The discussion has ended and the top content contributors are @chris from queens@long-wang@Kirthly@Viking2021Empire@green_dragonfirefly. Congratulations!![undefined [undefined]](
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