PE 103381687 : wish to learn little option trade from u.. I don't know how to perform option trading
包小姐的养老金 OP PE 103381687 : OK
10351974 : I also hope to learn a little bit of option from you
74245602 : Me too!
包小姐的养老金 OP 10351974 : Keep it up.
包小姐的养老金 OP 74245602 : Good
努力跟上包小姐步伐 : sifu help me I lost more than $10k in options already.... really appreciate if you can help
老高 : How can I tell which options can be purchased and which cannot be purchased?
10351974 包小姐的养老金 OP : How come you didn't say OK? What new orders are there today, sister?
包小姐的养老金 OP 努力跟上包小姐步伐 : 只有你自己可以救自己。兴趣分享,跟到就是你的运气
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PE 103381687 : wish to learn little option trade from u.. I don't know how to perform option trading
包小姐的养老金 OP PE 103381687 : OK
10351974 : I also hope to learn a little bit of option from you
74245602 : Me too!
包小姐的养老金 OP 10351974 : Keep it up.
包小姐的养老金 OP 74245602 : Good
努力跟上包小姐步伐 : sifu help me I lost more than $10k in options already.... really appreciate if you can help
老高 : How can I tell which options can be purchased and which cannot be purchased?
10351974 包小姐的养老金 OP : How come you didn't say OK?
What new orders are there today, sister?
包小姐的养老金 OP 努力跟上包小姐步伐 : 只有你自己可以救自己。兴趣分享,跟到就是你的运气
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