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2024 half-year recap: Tell us your trading story
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2024 H1 Recap: Four "D" Trading Strategy and H2 Outlook

1) Half-Year Recap
The most important event in the H1 is the inflation rate which indirectly affects the Fed's decision to cut the interest rate. There is speculation that inflation is here to stay and there may be only one rate cut or none in 2024.
P/L Analysis (P/L Calendar) is a useful tool to monitor our investment return. Due to privacy reasons, I'll only reveal a few daily P/L in H1:
2024 H1 Recap: Four "D" Trading Strategy and H2 Outlook
2024 H1 Recap: Four "D" Trading Strategy and H2 Outlook
2024 H1 Recap: Four "D" Trading Strategy and H2 Outlook
2024 H1 Recap: Four "D" Trading Strategy and H2 Outlook
2024 H1 Recap: Four "D" Trading Strategy and H2 Outlook
2) Four "D" Trading Strategy
(I) Diversification
I have adjusted my portfolio to be "more cautious" by diversifying my assets, earning smaller profit and avoiding high fee. S&P500 has increased 15% YTD and is moving uptrend hence my strategy is to DCA into the ETF.
Guideline: Don't put all eggs (money) into one basket (a single stock).
2024 H1 Recap: Four "D" Trading Strategy and H2 Outlook
(II) Distribution of Asset based on Risk
Emergency Fund will still be kept between 12 ~ 18 months to prepare for any black swan event. My asset risk distribution remains the same:
10%: High risk (Options and Value stocks/ETFs)
20%: Medium risk (Dividend stocks and Short term fund/government bonds)
70%: Low risk (Moomoo cash plus funds and High Interest Saving Deposit)
Guideline: Invest within your means. Don't YOLO all your money and avoid greed (FOMO).
2024 H1 Recap: Four "D" Trading Strategy and H2 Outlook
(III) "Disciplined" Approach
I am selling covered calls (or puts) using a "disciplined" approach to manage risk. It will be documented and tested with papertrade. I'll be using Moomoo features like Greeks, TA charts, Analyst ratings, Options Analysis charts, Options price chart etc to systematically select expiration date and strike price. Moomoo options commission card will help to reduce trading fees.
Guideline: Follow strictly the investment plan and avoid fear (panic).
(IV) DYODD (do you own due diligence)
Posting my P/L review monthly/ quarterly/half yearly in the Moomoo community is always helpful. Joining the chatgroup has taught me to always ask for sources of information when someone commented/posted some info about a stock. Verify your information can done by using more than one search engine (SE) -  besides Google there are other SE like Microsoft Bing, Tencent Baidu,, etc).
Guideline: Learn to have a "balanced view" by reading positive and negative news on a stock.
2024 H1 Recap: Four "D" Trading Strategy and H2 Outlook
2024 H1 Recap: Four "D" Trading Strategy and H2 Outlook
2024 H1 Recap: Four "D" Trading Strategy and H2 Outlook
3) H2 Outlook
As for important events in H2, I'll read (and analyse) the company's financial report (earnings) of the stocks I am following. I'll also monitor the FOMC meeting and inflation indicators (CPI, PCE,  non-farm payroll etc) and economy data (GDP, export, factory production, unemployment claim etc). Here are some of my previous posts about H2 outlook which I'll not repeat here:
1. Fund Investment in H1 and Outlook in H2 and beyond
Disclaimer: The above is not financial advice. Selling call/put options can be risky as the loss is unlimited. We have different risk appetites hence don't follow blindly how others invest.
Disclaimer: Community is offered by Moomoo Technologies Inc. and is for educational purposes only. Read more
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