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Stocks on the move today, hot stocks - October 24 (Thursday)

moomooニュース日本株 wrote a column · Oct 24, 2024 10:17
Stocks on the move today, hot stocks - October 24 (Thursday)
Good morning to all moomoo users! We will deliver hot stocks of the morning session and the latest rating information.
Three Points to Watch in the Morning Session
Will Nidec's financial reaction lead to a change in sentiment towards improvement?
$Nidec (6594.JP)$For the second quarter of the fiscal year ending March 2025, revenue increased by 11.8% year-on-year to 1,293.8 billion yen, and operating profit increased by 4.9% to 121 billion yen.
In terms of operating profit, aiming for improved profitability in consumer electronics, commercial, industrial, and equipment applications, by rationalizing decentralized bases and consolidating production systems, there were some up-front cost burdens, but the addition of high value-added water-cooled modules in precision small motors led to a transition to a highly profitable business portfolio, resulting in record earnings for the period from April to September.
●Hot Highlights of the Morning Session: $Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (7011.JP)$Automating the assembly of aircraft engines and combustors, planned to be introduced at the Nagasaki plant by the end of the year.
Active stocks and hot stocks
On the 24th, the Tokyo stock market saw the Nikkei average fall significantly for the fourth consecutive day, temporarily down 1% from the previous day. Concerns about the increase in US interest rates and expectations of a decrease in orders for Apple's new smart phone, the "iPhone 16," led to predominant selling of export-related industries, chemicals, and material stocks. Dislike for the decline in commodity market conditions such as crude oil and copper also affected trading in trading companies, mining, and nonferrous metals. The rise in long-term interest rates due to the diminishing expectations of a US rate cut and fiscal risks after the presidential election has led to a continuing trend of a strong dollar and a weak yen. In the upcoming Lower House election this weekend, there is also caution towards the risk of the ruling coalition of the Liberal Democratic Party and Komeito falling below the majority, putting pressure on the yen. Among specific sectors, warehousing/transportation, other products, and food products are relatively stable in value. Conversely, nonferrous metals, marine shipping, electricity/gas, and others are weaker.
Stocks on the move today, hot stocks - October 24 (Thursday)
$Tokyo Electron (8035.JP)$Semiconductor-related stocks such as etc have been performing well, with strong results from the American etc. $Lam Research (LRCX.US)$Stem Inc surged in after-hours trading. It seems to have become a factor that encourages the repurchase of Japanese semiconductor-related stocks.
Related stocks $Advantest (6857.JP)$ $Kokusai Electric (6525.JP)$ $Lasertec (6920.JP)$ $Disco (6146.JP)$etc
$I-ne (4933.JP)$Buying inclination overall. The company announced on the 23rd that it has concluded a stock transfer agreement with Taiwan Industry's subsidiary TT Trading located in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. Additionally, they also announced the acquisition and subsequent subsidiary status of Tuveil, which plans and sells cosmetics in Minoh City, Osaka.
$Canon Electronics (7739.JP)$Significant rebound after 3 days. On the 23rd, the company announced that the consolidated operating profit for the third quarter of the fiscal year ending in December 24 was 8.25 billion yen (an increase of 78.8% compared to the same period last year). In the component segment, the laser scanner units for laser printers and copiers increased profits due to growing demand in the Asian region.
$Toyota Motor (7203.JP)$Automobile stocks and others are weak, with the rapid depreciation of the yen acting as a tailwind, but overall market risk-off sentiment is pushing for selling.
Related stocks $Honda Motor (7267.JP)$ $Nissan Motor (7201.JP)$etc
$KDDI (9433.JP)$は24日、米スペースXの衛星通信網であるStarlink衛星とauスマートフォンの直接通信サービスの実証実験に成功と発表した。
$Koa (6999.JP)$が売り気配。同社は23日、25.3期通期の連結営業利益予想を従来の1.6 billionから1.15 billion円(前期比65.3%減)に下方修正と発表した。日本・欧米・アジアにおける景気停滞による下期の抵抗器需要の減少が顕著となってきたことにより、売上高が前回発表予想を下回る見通しとなった。
$SoftBank Group (9984.JP)$が急落。23日の米国市場で同社傘下の $Arm Holdings (ARM.US)$の株価が大幅安となった。複数の米メディアにおいて、アーム社が米 $Qualcomm (QCOM.US)$に対し半導体設計のライセンス契約を解消すると伝えた。
$Creo (9698.JP)$が4日ぶり反落。同社は23日、25.3期上期(4-9月)の連結営業利益は0.32 billion円(前年同期比24.9%減)と発表した。主軸のソリューションサービス事業は堅調に推移したものの、受託開発事業およびサポートサービス事業の減益が響いた。
$GAtechnologies (3491.JP)$が3日続落。同社は24日10時、グループ会社で不動産DXを進めるハウスマートが、2024年10月より、ハウスマートが提供する売買仲介向け営業支援システム「PropoCloud(プロポクラウド)」を、 $Sumitomo Forestry (1911.JP)$傘下の住友林業ホームサービスの全店舗で導入と発表した。
Rating information
Stocks on the move today, hot stocks - October 24 (Thursday)
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