101569031 : Can I have a 15% discount?
看神吃饭 101569031 : It's better to just break through the new high.
101569031 看神吃饭 : Is it 500?
AusMario838 OP 101569031 : 5000 i believe
看神吃饭 : How did you become so optimistic in just one day. Haha.
无人能出其左右的左右 : approve
101569031 : Can I have a 15% discount?
看神吃饭 101569031 : It's better to just break through the new high.
101569031 看神吃饭 : Is it 500?
AusMario838 OP 101569031 : 5000 i believe
看神吃饭 : How did you become so optimistic in just one day. Haha.
无人能出其左右的左右 : approve