ChristinaLEA : I think the biggest one tomorrow is NNVC. News on developing a drug for cv.
LuckyStarter OP ChristinaLEA : They’ve jumped to $13 AH. Do u think there is still room for increasing?
ChristinaLEA LuckyStarter OP : yes I do. they've pulled back to 11.80. I'll be watching. they have the potential to pop
ChristinaLEA : I think the biggest one tomorrow is NNVC. News on developing a drug for cv.
LuckyStarter OP ChristinaLEA : They’ve jumped to $13 AH. Do u think there is still room for increasing?
ChristinaLEA LuckyStarter OP : yes I do. they've pulled back to 11.80. I'll be watching. they have the potential to pop