this one you're going to want to hold a while I hopefully you pushed it out far enough to at least the date that I picked because it's going to be really profitable if it's held
it could have been that the price that you set it at didn't match the ask price because you could set it either at the bid price or ask price as well as the current market price and if it's not a price that they're willing to sell it for it won't go through so chances are you probably didn't set it to the ask price that's the price that would last sold and most likely the price that you're not going to get it for any cheaper
Violets : you have to buy 100 shares at a time correct? That's what one contract is
Trader-101 OP Violets : only if it's under a dollar
BBQSLAP : I did, but I'll be honest. I'm not exactly sure what I am doing or when to sell it.
Trader-101 OP BBQSLAP : this one you're going to want to hold a while I hopefully you pushed it out far enough to at least the date that I picked because it's going to be really profitable if it's held
Trader-101 OP BBQSLAP : and if you're following me I'll post when I sell mine
Dylinh : I couldn't buy the call for Boeing for some reason, I don't know why.
Trader-101 OP Dylinh : I don't know I pick three of them up no problem
Dylinh Trader-101 OP : I tried to picky the same date as yours but it never when through I even tried a different date, same thing so I gave up
Trader-101 OP Dylinh : it could have been that the price that you set it at didn't match the ask price because you could set it either at the bid price or ask price as well as the current market price and if it's not a price that they're willing to sell it for it won't go through so chances are you probably didn't set it to the ask price that's the price that would last sold and most likely the price that you're not going to get it for any cheaper
Dylinh Trader-101 OP : okay I might try it again tomorrow
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