OPDavid Groshong
You clearly misunderstood comment I’ve been tracking this stock long enough to watch it go from $40 a share almost up to $80 within days. This is a volatile stock.
David Groshong
Not sure what I could've misunderstood. It's the inverse of google, a "member" of the "guiding market"... to which I was referring as possibly going through a turning point. Comments made by Trump equating to "keep working", right wing info put about about a "cure", and gold, crypto, and oil rebounding. Therefore, the inverse going down, due to stock going up, is not "no apparent reason whatsoever"...
David Groshong : Correction. May be headed back up to burn, and then...
PagliaruloJoel OP David Groshong : You clearly misunderstood comment I’ve been tracking this stock long enough to watch it go from $40 a share almost up to $80 within days. This is a volatile stock.
David Groshong PagliaruloJoel OP : Not sure what I could've misunderstood. It's the inverse of google, a "member" of the "guiding market"... to which I was referring as possibly going through a turning point. Comments made by Trump equating to "keep working", right wing info put about about a "cure", and gold, crypto, and oil rebounding. Therefore, the inverse going down, due to stock going up, is not "no apparent reason whatsoever"...