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$United States Oil Fund LP (USO.US)$The charts look good on ...

$United States Oil Fund LP (USO.US)$The charts look good on this one. It's still prime for a run, not overbought, not oversold. Just crossed the threshold indicating a buy. The thing looks solid.
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  • 70065450 : i heard max up around 6.2

  • Trader-101 OP 70065450 : somebody misinformed you greatly if oil prices go back to where I believe they will be here soon around the $50 range this thing's going to be worth at least double that

  • 70065450 : going have to wait the talk, also right now we not use a lot of gas so demand low

  • Trader-101 OP 70065450 : demand slow because of the lack of movement but that's irrelevant what they're doing they're cutting back 10 million barrels a week and that's going to dry up the supply cause a demand to go up higher and it's going to return the price back to where it should be and before that even happens just off the news alone that they have come to terms on Monday is going to send it to him skyrocketing it's at nearly 30 now it'll be 50 Monday if they can come to some type of agreement

  • MOBBCERE11 : I saw your comment on finding your niche, How would you recommend going about it? I feel like this is the only thing I am missing

  • Trader-101 OP MOBBCERE11 : well what market cap do you like trading small mid or large

  • MOBBCERE11 : Small and mid, As of recently small mostly

  • Trader-101 OP MOBBCERE11 : well small-cap I would definitely recommend oil energy sector right now they have been destroyed beyond just a covid 19 because then we had the oil wars which caused everything in that sector to be depleted down to nothing literally billion dollar companies market cap or now literally in the millions stocks that are 40 and $50 a few months ago are trading for 2 and $3 so I would research that sector because you could see a pretty quick return if you do your homework but after that I would definitely recommend once the market recovers technology sector as well as solar energy sector they were gaining a lot of momentum enphase energy is one of my favorite as well as next era energy

  • Trader-101 OP MOBBCERE11 : and a lot of people have left the Cannabis sector to die but they're about to see a rude awakening when they file these quarterly reports coming up there one of the few sectors that are gaining huge revenues because of the virus and they are a steal if you pick the right companies a lot of them don't have the ability to weather this storm but there are a few key ones that would be great investments right now

  • OptionforFreedom : Long term yes, short term this rip up today was expected. Will more than likely drop lower before ot goes back to normal. Still hard to interpret because the prices solely rely on the responses of multiple countries. Any trade made until the disputes settle is purely speculative.

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