FiveHundredCents : What hype?
skruffiez OP : friends from work .. said this was a really good company.. and I was wondering if anyone knows about it.
FiveHundredCents skruffiez OP : I know it is a big company in its industry.
skruffiez OP : ok. I'll make a small investment.. when it's out..
艾伦哥-不明 : Better than Snow
70099699 FiveHundredCents : yi
CalShenYe : obviously those are not good friends broo...
skruffiez OP CalShenYe : JUST
FiveHundredCents : What hype?
skruffiez OP : friends from work .. said this was a really good company.. and I was wondering if anyone knows about it.
FiveHundredCents skruffiez OP : I know it is a big company in its industry.
skruffiez OP : ok. I'll make a small investment.. when it's out..
艾伦哥-不明 : Better than Snow
70099699 FiveHundredCents : yi
CalShenYe : obviously those are not good friends broo...
skruffiez OP CalShenYe : JUST