Whoa, sorry to any one that can't get the investing info bef...
Whoa, sorry to any one that can't get the investing info before someone thinks the post... after days of people doing it. I've shared my portfolio that has had great returns and will continue to during and after the virus. meh, I did my good deeds
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Moomoo Lily
Hello, livenowdienever. About your question that why your post was reported and blocked, the reason is that your post involved referral links from other trading platform. According to the Moomoo Community Rules, users may not share referral links. You can read about our rules here:https://support.fututrade.com/hc/enus/articles/360037297414Moomoo-Community-Standards. You can contact us by @ Moomoo Lily directly or email community@moomoo.com if you have questions. Thanks for your support and cooperation.
in the post, I recommend many platforms including MooMoo first and foremost, because I like the app but I'm not a fan of policy that prohibits sharing info that helps investors
Moomoo Lily
Thank you for supporting us.I agree with you. We welcome all Moomooers to share their ideas freely in the Moomoo community.
Moomoo Lily : Hello, livenowdienever. About your question that why your post was reported and blocked, the reason is that your post involved referral links from other trading platform. According to the Moomoo Community Rules, users may not share referral links. You can read about our rules here:https://support.fututrade.com/hc/enus/articles/360037297414Moomoo-Community-Standards. You can contact us by @ Moomoo Lily directly or email community@moomoo.com if you have questions. Thanks for your support and cooperation.
livenowdienever OP : in the post, I recommend many platforms including MooMoo first and foremost, because I like the app but I'm not a fan of policy that prohibits sharing info that helps investors
Moomoo Lily livenowdienever OP : Thank you for supporting us.I agree with you.
We welcome all Moomooers to share their ideas freely in the Moomoo community.