It should be. He says he doesnt plan on selling a single share. Their only issue rn really is share dilution. Once they stop that for a while and people notice, they'll pick up very nicely.
Well the company keeps creating more shares of the stock and selling em off, causing a dilution for all of the other stock holders
skruffiez : is that a good thing?
David Johnson : Very much so
Jesus is lord : I am watching
Babylegs OP skruffiez : It should be. He says he doesnt plan on selling a single share. Their only issue rn really is share dilution. Once they stop that for a while and people notice, they'll pick up very nicely.
skruffiez : what is share dilution? my diluted shares says -1.1 should I sell to make match my avg cost?
Babylegs OP skruffiez : Well the company keeps creating more shares of the stock and selling em off, causing a dilution for all of the other stock holders
Babylegs OP skruffiez : I may have used the wrong term, its stock dilution... im not to sure what it is that youre referencing
skruffiez Babylegs OP : oh sorry it was diluted cost