U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) intervenes in the market to halt trading activity due to serious concerns about a company's assets, operations, or other financial information
the warrants were suppose to expire at 5 but it shows they filed at 4:01. the real question is what happens to my money??? any ideas
C Bro : Wondering the sane
senseishlick : U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) intervenes in the market to halt trading activity due to serious concerns about a company's assets, operations, or other financial information
pennypincher OP senseishlick : the warrants were suppose to expire at 5 but it shows they filed at 4:01. the real question is what happens to my money??? any ideas
pennypincher OP : @consealit you see this
consealit pennypincher OP : Dont see anything
senseishlick pennypincher OP : I’m invested in this as well and Have no clue. I’m looking into it right now.
consealit : Just stay calm i dont know. Im sitting on 72000 shares .
pennypincher OP consealit : what this guy is saying up above in the comments.
Jesus is lord : I sold all mine it was a great profit thanks consealit
pennypincher OP consealit : ya at this point that's all we can do
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