Earnings result and price are not necessarily have positive correlation. If it's a blowout earnings, it usually surges before it released then falls. If it's a bad earnings, it may fall ahead then ppl buy the dip and make it rise. When good news are all out, it became bad news vice versa
lol i feel it im like how in the world does anyone value this company any higher then what it was at before this news about a loan?....
curtaincall : Earnings result and price are not necessarily have positive correlation. If it's a blowout earnings, it usually surges before it released then falls. If it's a bad earnings, it may fall ahead then ppl buy the dip and make it rise. When good news are all out, it became bad news vice versa
BuyTeslaYouFool : lol i feel it im like how in the world does anyone value this company any higher then what it was at before this news about a loan?....
James0180 OP BuyTeslaYouFool : Exactly!!! Too many people bought at $60 and trying to average down I guess.
BuyTeslaYouFool James0180 OP : That was my theory