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[WeeklyTop5Stocks] Photovoltaic Market Is Hot While EV Industry Is Down.

Happy Monday everyone! We hope y’all had a great weekend. It’s time to get back to moomoo WeeklyTop5Stocks column.

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[WeeklyTop5Stocks] Photovoltaic Market Is Hot While EV Industry Is Down.
$Tesla (TSLA.US)$ was up 5% on Friday, leaving shares down about 8% for the last week as a widely anticipated update on the company’s battery technology failed to wow investors. 
Moomooers comment: @Dramericanjesus :"Battery Day seems an appropriate moniker.
[WeeklyTop5Stocks] Photovoltaic Market Is Hot While EV Industry Is Down.
$Apple (AAPL.US)$ declined 20% from top to bottom so far this month. It recovered just about all these recent losses over the past five trading days, mostly on Thursday and Friday.This could be the beginning of the end (of the correction) for Apple. Do you have a plan to buy Apple stock ahead of the iPhone 12 launch?
[WeeklyTop5Stocks] Photovoltaic Market Is Hot While EV Industry Is Down.
Now we welcome the top gainer and new one in our top popular list - $SPI Energy (SPI.US)$ , a company that offers photovoltaic solutions for business, residential, government and utility customers, saw a positive and strong %change up to 4000% last Wednesday as it launched a new electric vehicle subsidiary. Have you made a profit on this stock?
[WeeklyTop5Stocks] Photovoltaic Market Is Hot While EV Industry Is Down.
Thursday morning saw, $Sunworks (SUNW.US)$ , another micro-cap solar company, simply surged more than 1000%. It benefited from general green energy hype.
[WeeklyTop5Stocks] Photovoltaic Market Is Hot While EV Industry Is Down.
$Nikola (NKLA.US)$ were down 43.08% as the The company has faced a huge amount of bad news lately. Embattled Nikola gets Its first sell rating from Wall Street.
[WeeklyTop5Stocks] Photovoltaic Market Is Hot While EV Industry Is Down.
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Thank you for reading. See you next week.
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