70142071 : same here
Gregory Cox : what you mean? I have few WHKS IM INTO 30+ DID YOU GET BETTER THEN THAT? IF I MAY ASK.
Gregory Cox : why what has happened? I look they say average 18.60 but if I click to trade. then If I wS buying. be 28.40 share I dont get that?
70141470 OP Gregory Cox : You will buy the market price not the average price
frank martinez2 Gregory Cox : pretty sure the average price means the average price the share holders got it for. people that have been holding it for week/months
Gregory Cox frank martinez2 : well wouldnt that be the price one pays for it?
70142071 : same here
Gregory Cox : what you mean? I have few WHKS IM INTO 30+ DID YOU GET BETTER THEN THAT? IF I MAY ASK.
Gregory Cox : why what has happened? I look they say average 18.60 but if I click to trade. then If I wS buying. be 28.40 share I dont get that?
70141470 OP Gregory Cox : You will buy the market price not the average price
frank martinez2 Gregory Cox : pretty sure the average price means the average price the share holders got it for. people that have been holding it for week/months
Gregory Cox frank martinez2 : well wouldnt that be the price one pays for it?