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Spoof of Simpsons for prediction of 2021

I suppose some of you might know about the Simpsons cartoon which is going on for a long time. This might sound like a joke for some of you, but the creators and writers of the Simpsons story line are great mathematicians and economic forecasters.
For the decade Simpsons have fascinated the mathematicians around the world with the theorems and formulas that were shown in the cartoon series.
This might just be a joke but it's always good to have information about something that has even 1% chances of being true.
Even though it is just a cartoon show, but there were many predictions that Simpsons have thought of it in the cartoon even before it happened. For example, in year 2000 they have shown the cartoon of Trump becoming president. That was the time no one even thought that Trump will be even participating for presidency. There are many incidents that happened in the cartoon that was predicted way before time and was shown in the cartoon.

Ofcourse that all is just a joke and coincidence, but it's not a bad thing for us to know more of what Simpsons have predicted for the year 2021.
I am adding three videos with this article, maybe it is worth watching. One is what they have predicted so far till 2021. Another video shows the prediction of 2021.
Of course no need to be taken these things seriously, but as an economist it always peeked my interest on topic of forecasting events.
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  • 16179592 : Wow! Thanks for your sharing! Really interesting which theory/model etc. they used to predict?

  • Knulp : Simpsons and South park, my favorites!

  • Bunneh : haha😐

  • curtaincall : wow this is the first time I know of that the creators and writers of the Simpons are mathematicians and economi forecasters. interesting facts

  • Anonymoo OP 16179592 : The creators say that they put those things(events) as a joke. But considering the timeline and the exact event in the timeline makes some people doubt. Few people also as a joke say that they found mathematical model called "theory of everything". Which can predict certain events on time but is still imperfect, so they cannot use it to get rich.

    Still it is out of our concern since it is unrelated to the market. But it's always good to know about certain things, even cartoons.

  • Anonymoo OP curtaincall : How things are going nowadays, I think it is possible for what Simpsons have predicted for January 2021. If market goes too low in December that companies get broke and shut down. Also, since major population is already unemployed and getting low on funds every month. The recent events shown that people can take advantage of any event they can and start looting stores and destroy property. I am very sure if the fall like 2008 will happen again, this generation is not going to stay calm and solve the issue. Instead they will take advantage and burn and loot things they can. We are already getting close to the credit card debt crisis because of unemployment. Since, most of the people are defaulting on credit card debts, the scale is getting larger every year.

  • FiveHundredCents : Im be your fan! Thanks for sharing fantastic content 👏👏👏

  • Dean Hess : so you dont believe its possible to not just predict a collapse here though actually will it to happen?  with divine intervention

  • Emory Epperly : it shouldn't effect it know more than it ever has

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PhD Economics Researcher