Find yourself needing car insurance, house, renter's? Well, what makes root different from the competitors is the ease and transparency of getting your own insurance without the complicated jargon that an insurance agent will throw at you.
Root's business model is definitely cutting edge in the insurance world and they are making waves since it's inception. Technological paces are being had and Root is on the cusp while making insurance shopping truly easy.
Because of the lack of agents needed to broker new accounts, a lot less over head compared to competitors thus keeping operational costs low which in turn is passed to the consumer.
This is a new stock on the market with a very quiet open this last month. Competitors like Allstate have the first entry advantage but I foresee alot of traditional insurance losing their customer base unless they adapt and get with the times.
I have Root as undervalued at $23.76. By month end I see it trickling back to its high of $30.