举头三尺有镰刀 : How can we buy it back when it's 60
音乐之窗 : I also sold over 6 yuan
Ilona OP 举头三尺有镰刀 : My brother has a really good mentality
Ilona OP 音乐之窗 :
Steven3906 : I'm $4
Ilona OP Steven3906 : Did the old man pick it up
举头三尺有镰刀 : How can we buy it back when it's 60
音乐之窗 : I also sold over 6 yuan
Ilona OP 举头三尺有镰刀 : My brother has a really good mentality
Ilona OP 音乐之窗 :
Steven3906 : I'm $4
Ilona OP Steven3906 : Did the old man pick it up