Mcsnacks H Tupack
It’s throwing some red flags. Insiders sold 33% of their shares. Institutional investors sold 13% of their shares today. Rsi is at 74. Sma50 is at 33% and sma200 is at 111%. Usually means it’s going to pull back to around $462.00.
Forget about that, if we have the right to sell and make profit, so are they. The thing is, this company is growing, as soon as we break the 593-600 resistance, this stock will fly
to be honest with you it doesn't even matter if you sell right now you're going to regret it Tesla's RSI could be a thousand and it doesn't change anything as soon as the s&p 500 includes them on December 18th or 21st they have to buy $75 billion shares of the market cap in order to include them in the s&p 500
Mcsnacks H Tupack : It’s throwing some red flags. Insiders sold 33% of their shares. Institutional investors sold 13% of their shares today. Rsi is at 74. Sma50 is at 33% and sma200 is at 111%. Usually means it’s going to pull back to around $462.00.
70199322 Mcsnacks H Tupack : nice![undefined [undefined]](
70107480 OP : Forget about that, if we have the right to sell and make profit, so are they. The thing is, this company is growing, as soon as we break the 593-600 resistance, this stock will fly
70107480 OP : Since when did TESLA depend on those numbers
0nlyDads : @mcsnacks where did you find the sell off info?
knowledgeispowerful : to be honest with you it doesn't even matter if you sell right now you're going to regret it Tesla's RSI could be a thousand and it doesn't change anything as soon as the s&p 500 includes them on December 18th or 21st they have to buy $75 billion shares of the market cap in order to include them in the s&p 500
knowledgeispowerful : has 75 billion dollars of the market cap not 75 billion shares
joy38663 : don't know what I am doing