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[WeeklyTop5Stocks] EV and Tech Stocks Retreated While Marijuana Kept Charging

[WeeklyTop5Stocks] EV and Tech Stocks Retreated While Marijuana Kept Charging
Good Monday mooers!! Welcome back to our weekly series, the WeeklyTop5Stocks, where we review the news and performance of the most popular stocks on Moomoo platform last week!

We’ve got another wild week ahead. According to the data below, our Top5 stocks last week still had good performance, especially, in Marijuana section. Crazy week for us to diging money! Here is the moomoo top 5 stock list for last week for your reference:
[WeeklyTop5Stocks] EV and Tech Stocks Retreated While Marijuana Kept Charging

#1 $SNDL Inc (SNDL.US)$
Finally the No.1 stock of the TOP5 list does not come from EV market. SNDL’s trending last week represent the situation of the entire Marijuana Market and, well, the effect of marijuana product itself. It opened high at the beginning, then spinned around in the middle, but eventually went down at last. After the correction in last Friday, SNDL closed at $0.664, a 78.36% increase weekly.
[WeeklyTop5Stocks] EV and Tech Stocks Retreated While Marijuana Kept Charging
Mooers Comments:
@Adam L. Bates I was just wondering about what some of you guys and gals predict for next week with Sundial? And why...I 'm hopeing the vote will raise the price, if it hasn't already been factored in, and this supposed merger news...so what will next weeks price look like?

#2 $NIO Inc (NIO.US)$
We are almost running out of words to describe NIO. But since mooers still concern this stock, we will do this anyway. It seems the market finally calms down, at least for now, on new EV stocks. After weeks of surging, NIO dropped 20.3% last week.
[WeeklyTop5Stocks] EV and Tech Stocks Retreated While Marijuana Kept Charging

#3 $Tesla (TSLA.US)$
If you look at Tesla's chart closely enough, you may find its grinning and chilled. While other EV stocks plunging, TSLA's stock price remain stable. The market seems to have more confidence on the most valuable EV enterprise so far. TSLA closed at $599.04, marking a 2.24% rise weekly.
[WeeklyTop5Stocks] EV and Tech Stocks Retreated While Marijuana Kept Charging

#4 $Palantir (PLTR.US)$
PLTR unwillingly gave back the long overdue bounty which it just received weeks ago. It also marks a changing trend of the entire market, that technology stocks became cold gradually. PLTR dropped 13.77% last week.
[WeeklyTop5Stocks] EV and Tech Stocks Retreated While Marijuana Kept Charging
Mooers Comments:
@FiveHundredCents There we gooo liik at that volume GREEN!! Thank you institution, whoever you might be!!!

#5 $XPeng (XPEV.US)$
Someone finally managed to pull XPEV over, after its weeks-long speeding in the market. With NIO, Li joininig aside, XPEV was not alone. They just need to spend much more time try to chase TSLA. XPEV closed at $49.34, dropped 23.24% last week.
[WeeklyTop5Stocks] EV and Tech Stocks Retreated While Marijuana Kept Charging

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The U.S. set a new daily high in covid cases on last Friday, more than 225K cases were reported. 

Stay safe, y’all. See you next week!
Disclaimer: Moomoo Technologies Inc. is providing this content for information and educational use only. Read more
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  • Field of Greens : Bullish on American companies, bearish on Canadian companies.  The Canadian companies have ran up more than justified prior to the vote. Hopefully it passes Senate and brings the others to the main exchange's.

  • Gregory Cox : I did the  biden lol MULTIPLE  votes lol .good thing it's not for presidency. good thing I'm not a virus  creator & pusher. it look like you can MULTIPLE  vote I was just curious  after all the cheating the DEMOCRATIC  are doing. see honest ppl dont expect  .the things evil will do .dems I believe will destroy the market and the states.first thing is to disarm us so all the outsiders will not have to much resistance.  that's the main thing they are told to do by communist. if you open your eyes  its plan as day. .this is the time they have told us to get on the side lines. we shall see. lies everywhere.sign of our times. 27 appl dont forget.   satellite  straight  to your cell.

  • Gregory Cox : dec 27 appl to  release  information.

  • KelvinC_20 : Full legalization of marijuana in the US is conducive to the rise in such stocks!

  • PhotoSynth : Read a news paper you dumb ass....

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