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Nobody talking about Jack Ma missing

nobody saying anything about jack ma missing ? got kidnapped by Chnese government most likely
$Alibaba (BABA.US)$
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  • knowledgeispowerful : if you want my opinion I think that Jack ma is staying out of the limelight so to speak purposely and I believe that he's taking advantage of his time and most likely if I had to guess probably opening up and offshore holdings company and the reason he would do that is that's how he launched Alibaba in the US market you went to the Bahamas open up a brand new shell company so to speak and merge with that company now it's not a Chinese company it's a Bohemian Alibaba if you look at their SEC filings they are not a Chinese company they are A holdings company their name is Alibaba holdings LLC it's because he did it strategically to get around regulations and trust me when I tell you most certainly going to do it for Ant financial if it's necessary

  • knowledgeispowerful : and the Chinese government is also probably put pressure on him to stay out of the media because you know how big they are on respect and they are acting this way towards him because they felt like he was getting too big to control he made a comment on live television that most certainly they found disrespectful to the Chinese government so they're probably forcing him to stay quiet for now but trust me when when I say he's not going to stay under anybody's control he will do the necessary steps in order to grow his brand
