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in it for the long run....

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  • Field of Greens : loading up at the end of last year when everyone was panicking was one of best decisions. Unfortunately I sold my options a little early but that action yesterday when it 40k for the first time scared me a little. All I could hear was Cramer saying pigs get slaughtered. I picked a price and I was good with and it easily made it back before close yesterday.

  • Field of Greens : damn I should have reread, skipping words all over the place

  • treydongui OP Field of Greens : very nice congrats. yes it's a hard thing to navigate I'm sure. there's so many opinions and they're all so different you know so it's hard to know who to trust.

  • Field of Greens treydongui OP : I have faith that bitcoin has plenty of room to grow still. I had nice gains on them and wanted to lock them in. The volatility of it can go either way quickly. I just didn't want to be greedy considering they expired on the upcoming Friday.

  • ConchTrader : I’m right with ya [undefined]

  • Charles Wellington : don't trust anyone. take all the evidence presented, due diligence and confirm factualities. form a hypothesis.

  • treydongui OP Field of Greens : well right now we have inflation so everybody's money cash is worth s*** and becoming more worthless by the day. precious metals will be a good investment obviously. silver supposed to be a moon shot and the inside secret tip is copper because of its super small supply and it's upcoming surge demand. although there's many reasons to like many different companies. silver is a component for ev batteries but so is lithium which is also supposed to experience a shortage in supply as compared to demand. now this is great and all but these things have been traded for years whether they surge or whatever so many people already have large stashes and great wealth is they'll continue to hold their possession. which brings me to cryptocurrency which is so new that nobody has those large stashes build up for the most part if you see what I'm trying to get out of here. we know that most of these technologies are supposed to be fraud proof and to cut out the middleman that fees. there are many more advantages I'm sure you know these but that's what comes to mind for me and why it's going to be so important. much more important than it is now. nobody knows the future for sure but it's not looking very stable. the worldwide instability will fuel this rise. but the cherry on top is it's leading people right to where they want them. and there's no you saying anything because not enough people would understand

  • treydongui OP ConchTrader : [undefined][undefined] my dude. hell yeah

  • treydongui OP Charles Wellington : Motivation 💯

  • ConchTrader Charles Wellington : Due diligence got me and @Treydon Gui where we are at, peace and prosperity my brothers

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