FelonTraderSoWhat OP : still more to come IMO. chart looks like it may have caught a trend. I'll see what happens pre-market.
Iamghost : I missed my chance to retire today I should of bought signal at. 34¢it went up 1000% today
FelonTraderSoWhat OP Iamghost : reminds me of trpb last year
Iamghost FelonTraderSoWhat OP : my wheel house is looking good for today I'm going climb on flip over to SITR for a min
FelonTraderSoWhat OP : still more to come IMO. chart looks like it may have caught a trend. I'll see what happens pre-market.
Iamghost : I missed my chance to retire today I should of bought signal at. 34¢it went up 1000% today
FelonTraderSoWhat OP Iamghost : reminds me of trpb last year
Iamghost FelonTraderSoWhat OP : my wheel house is looking good for today I'm going climb on flip over to SITR for a min