treydongui : you might think they have some kind of special Market intelligence and you where here at the beginning. although all last year they got nothing but rave reviews and positive hype. @chris911@moomoo recap@moomoo breakfast@Moomoo Academy@Moomoo Event@moo_Live@Moomoo Lily impressed by your hard work and neverending determination to be the best at what you do...
ConchTrader OP treydongui : Thank you Trey, appreciate the props bro!!!!
chris911 treydongui : cheers bro. lets make more ppl know about the future potential of this company!
treydongui chris911 : I believe it when you say it. that's not a feeling I often get. #props
treydongui : you might think they have some kind of special Market intelligence
and you where here at the beginning. although all last year they got nothing but rave reviews and positive hype. @chris911@moomoo recap@moomoo breakfast@Moomoo Academy@Moomoo Event@moo_Live@Moomoo Lily impressed by your hard work and neverending determination to be the best at what you do...
ConchTrader OP treydongui : Thank you Trey, appreciate the props bro!!!!
chris911 treydongui : cheers bro. lets make more ppl know about the future potential of this company!
treydongui chris911 : I believe it when you say it. that's not a feeling I often get. #props