cockNTail : 300.00
Hershey_GoZoom92 OP : Dang!
swinger : mine don't sell until it hits $1000
DontDrinkMyMilkshake : Drink an entire 12 pack of Surge, and you will receive premonitions of it's Zenith.
70099519 : 100000000000
DontDrinkMyMilkshake : Thought someone would've chimed in, but I guess I'll be 'that guy'...
KENSHI BLACK DontDrinkMyMilkshake :
Ming Zhao3 : Until the end of the world
Hershey_GoZoom92 OP : This shit is crazy and freaKjng awesome...I love that easy money!!!
cockNTail : 300.00
Hershey_GoZoom92 OP : Dang!
swinger : mine don't sell until it hits $1000
DontDrinkMyMilkshake : Drink an entire 12 pack of Surge, and you will receive premonitions of it's Zenith.
70099519 : 100000000000
DontDrinkMyMilkshake : Thought someone would've chimed in, but I guess I'll be 'that guy'...
KENSHI BLACK DontDrinkMyMilkshake :
Ming Zhao3 : Until the end of the world
Hershey_GoZoom92 OP : This shit is crazy and freaKjng awesome...I love that easy money!!!