midknight : There's literally not enough money to do that. Short squeeze is over.
OBI ALERTS OP : ok now its time they cover they loses fool by buying the stock smh......newbie
KENSHI BLACK midknight : thats what you think
midknight OBI ALERTS OP : yikes. Read above.
71359629 : there is enough to push to $1000, gonna need todays calls to be in the money, the people take physical delivery , hold tight till monday when the shorts r due & payable , and then look out loretta
midknight : There's literally not enough money to do that. Short squeeze is over.
OBI ALERTS OP : ok now its time they cover they loses fool by buying the stock smh......newbie
KENSHI BLACK midknight : thats what you think

midknight OBI ALERTS OP : yikes. Read above.
71359629 : there is enough to push to $1000, gonna need todays calls to be in the money, the people take physical delivery , hold tight till monday when the shorts r due & payable , and then look out loretta