Joshua7 : Yes sir
70193515 : I will keep buying
70210018 : yes sir
Mcsnacks H Tupack : It’s over. They won. The hedge funds and the bank closed their accounts. They are not being shorted anymore.
Galactic Patrol : ^ anyone ?? True or false
Mcsnacks H Tupack : It has trade restrictions on it now also
DREKNOWSSTOCKS : only on the ameritrade, not every broker from what I read
DollarsmakeSense : We're about to find out....
NateD : WSB only recognizes GME to put money into. Don't listen to whoever this guy is. AMC is pushing outside of WSB so buy and hold and it can be like GME. Someone with the persona of WSB telling you to invest in anything other than GME is a fraud
Joshua7 : Yes sir
70193515 : I will keep buying
70210018 : yes sir
Mcsnacks H Tupack : It’s over. They won. The hedge funds and the bank closed their accounts. They are not being shorted anymore.
Galactic Patrol : ^ anyone ?? True or false
Mcsnacks H Tupack : It has trade restrictions on it now also
DREKNOWSSTOCKS : only on the ameritrade, not every broker from what I read
DollarsmakeSense : We're about to find out....
NateD : WSB only recognizes GME to put money into. Don't listen to whoever this guy is. AMC is pushing outside of WSB so buy and hold and it can be like GME. Someone with the persona of WSB telling you to invest in anything other than GME is a fraud