Doc___ : Dude. They won’t let people buy shares. Only sell them.
70534799 : You can still buy on Cash App. I’m watching here and buying there.
70114679 : Same here
MS159 OP : How does that work? I buy there and have those shares separate at that broker?
chgocal123 Doc___ : I’m able to buy as well as my husband just did!
MS159 OP : Can't make another deposit... Did it like 2 days ago and it hasn't cleared
Charlie Hustle : Im able to buy on td ameritrade. downside no pre or post market buy or sells.
DillySucks chgocal123 : Same
70534799 MS159 OP : Yeah, that’s what I’m doing at least
Roller Girl : i will die with this stock
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Doc___ : Dude. They won’t let people buy shares. Only sell them.
70534799 : You can still buy on Cash App. I’m watching here and buying there.
70114679 : Same here
MS159 OP : How does that work? I buy there and have those shares separate at that broker?
chgocal123 Doc___ : I’m able to buy as well as my husband just did!
MS159 OP : Can't make another deposit... Did it like 2 days ago and it hasn't cleared
Charlie Hustle : Im able to buy on td ameritrade. downside no pre or post market buy or sells.
DillySucks chgocal123 : Same
70534799 MS159 OP : Yeah, that’s what I’m doing at least
Roller Girl : i will die with this stock
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