50, if you set sell orders high they have to reach to buy shares eventually when hedge funds run out of shares to short and debut. every time you see it dip they is them shorting the stock (borrowing shares from broker) then they hope you panic and sell. if the price goes down a lot bc everyone starts selling they make money. if we hold the line and buy dips they get screwed when there are no more shares to short
LeonMomo : Going to buy more
DontDrinkMyMilkshake : $30-40. Don't ask how I know how.
GetMeABeerDude : 50? that's what I'm looking for next week. holding!!!
angieeebbxo : goal isn’t to make money back, goal is to bend over wall street set to 1k
jifman angieeebbxo : that's right screw them and we still makefew dollars on the side mostly let's beat them at there on game!!
Temple Street-操盘手 : Go WSB forum they have instructions
MisterJ420 : set it to 1k. they HAVE to buy to cover and will be forced to pay ask at 1k
Zach : 50, if you set sell orders high they have to reach to buy shares eventually when hedge funds run out of shares to short and debut. every time you see it dip they is them shorting the stock (borrowing shares from broker) then they hope you panic and sell. if the price goes down a lot bc everyone starts selling they make money. if we hold the line and buy dips they get screwed when there are no more shares to short
zchen14 angieeebbxo : Strongly agree!