Get on social media and promote #GotoMooMoo Promote the invite a friend and get frre stocks. Get 100 people to join and you could get 400 shares of stock. DONT JUST READ, ACT UPON IT, BE FUN AND LETS SEE
Really need moomoo to stop having PDT rule for cash accounts, crypto trading and have bracket orders. Only 3 reason I have to send them to WB.
And don’t just look at this message , leave a comment so your followers see it. Or tell them to add me as a follower. We get 20K tweets going on #GotoMooMoo we can get it going
ConchTrader OP : Do it all weekend !!!!!
ConchTrader OP : #GotoMooMoo #LeaveRobinhood
ConchTrader OP : Tell everyone how much better this place is to trade
HALFtraderHALFamazin : Really need moomoo to stop having PDT rule for cash accounts, crypto trading and have bracket orders. Only 3 reason I have to send them to WB.
Trippy Seraph : I’m already in the process of closing my robinhood account. Just waiting for money to settle.
ConchTrader OP : And don’t just look at this message , leave a comment so your followers see it. Or tell them to add me as a follower. We get 20K tweets going on #GotoMooMoo we can get it going
Charles Wellington : to the MOOn
ConchTrader OP HALFtraderHALFamazin : We will get there for sure. Still get word out, let others decide
ConchTrader OP Charles Wellington : Spread the word!!!
ConchTrader OP Field of Greens : So tweet it , Facebook , tiktok, you name it
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