ryan mercer : not yet gotta hold till the squeeze
70202005 ryan mercer : When will the squeeze happen?
flipz32 : just joined this platform from RH ..are you guy able to buy AMC or GME stonk here without any restrictions???
ambitious Fish_1528 : Partially but not yet. Hold your stock until the squeeze happens. It could happen next week or so.
ambitious Fish_1528 : Partially but not yet. Hold your stock until the squeeze happens. It could happen next week or so. $$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$
Bubblemosh flipz32 : Absolutely! MooMoo is killin it!
70608798 flipz32 : I've had no problems buying
WayOfKings : guys I have no idea how this works. it says it's setting up my account. from there how do I add funds?
treydongui : I've been able to buy and I've earned badges they rewarded from trading these tickersgme AMC and nok
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ryan mercer : not yet gotta hold till the squeeze
70202005 ryan mercer : When will the squeeze happen?
flipz32 : just joined this platform from RH ..are you guy able to buy AMC or GME stonk here without any restrictions???
ambitious Fish_1528 : Partially but not yet. Hold your stock until the squeeze happens. It could happen next week or so.
ambitious Fish_1528 : Partially but not yet. Hold your stock until the squeeze happens. It could happen next week or so. $$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$
Bubblemosh flipz32 : Absolutely! MooMoo is killin it!
70608798 flipz32 : I've had no problems buying
WayOfKings : guys I have no idea how this works. it says it's setting up my account. from there how do I add funds?
treydongui : I've been able to buy and I've earned badges they rewarded from trading these tickersgme AMC and nok
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