Your keeping up while other firms are cashing in, once you squeeze hedge, who is left. The earliest seller. And the last losses. So when the music stops I hope you all find chairs.
So firms are collecting on debt converting shares then selling, retail is keeping up to blow shorts, and they leave scene. Then short hedge blown away. And who wins, the Reddit Forum Engineers, who now own the company with no debt, and what will you have? First to collect wins, Reddit wins because they have a no debt company. And you have nothing to show. It’s happened before in history. The market will eat you alive they don’t care.
This isn’t nothing new. In 90’s you had AOL and yahoo chat rooms, pump and dumps. It might of started out as a well intended cause, I understand. But the free market doesn’t care, so if your for a free market, your going to get it, there will be max short percentages, but in the end, you have to lose money to learn from the Market.
Following the introduction of China's groundbreaking DeepSeek technology, Wall Street giants have revised their investment outlooks for the Chinese market.
ConchTrader OP : China firm will be next out, doesn’t matter whether a firm is short or long, they using you like pawns.
ConchTrader OP : Your keeping up while other firms are cashing in, once you squeeze hedge, who is left. The earliest seller. And the last losses. So when the music stops I hope you all find chairs.
ConchTrader OP : @OfficerTruth@TeamMoomoo
ConchTrader OP : So firms are collecting on debt converting shares then selling, retail is keeping up to blow shorts, and they leave scene. Then short hedge blown away. And who wins, the Reddit Forum Engineers, who now own the company with no debt, and what will you have? First to collect wins, Reddit wins because they have a no debt company. And you have nothing to show. It’s happened before in history. The market will eat you alive they don’t care.
ConchTrader OP : This isn’t nothing new. In 90’s you had AOL and yahoo chat rooms, pump and dumps. It might of started out as a well intended cause, I understand. But the free market doesn’t care, so if your for a free market, your going to get it, there will be max short percentages, but in the end, you have to lose money to learn from the Market.
ConchTrader OP : And then your next door neighbor will be selling and going to DisneyWorld on vacation.
ConchTrader OP : 1205 views and not one remark, what Kool-Aid are y’all drinking. It didn’t workout well for the last Kool -Aid thirsty bunch
Zach ConchTrader OP : seems like someone who didn't buy GME
ConchTrader OP Zach :
Yeah that’s the reason
B. Eazy : someone come get this drunk guy
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