The times we are living in. $eHealth (EHTH.US)$ has positive...
The times we are living in.$eHealth (EHTH.US)$has positive profits, ER, EPS,cash available, revenue and forward P/E and is down 48%. Shares havent been this cheap in 2 years. buy in 48.00. sell February 18th. 88.00.
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Mcsnacks H Tupack OP : Feb 19 options are at $200.00. Wow.
123222qqq :

Temple Street-操盘手 : All in with you
123222qqq Temple Street-操盘手 : call
Mcsnacks H Tupack OP : Top call is 60.00 for now. It doesn’t take much volume to run. Melvin capital is shorting so maybe there will be a run up
70091433 : how Long does it take? l have call option for 19 feb
70091433 : March
Mcsnacks H Tupack OP : Once 12 million shares are bought then it will float up to 88.00.
izzl11 : I know it's been a while but how about now ? @Tupack H Mcsnacks
mcstiner : I used to work 3rd party for them. easily the best sales technology i've worked with by a long shot.