While it’s pending you can use that money to buy stocks. Make sure you have the monies to back up your account. Never be sorry that’s what we’re here for to help one another. We are all here for the same thing. You are definitely learning everyday here. I’m new here been here for a half a year now. I love it!
TraderSeth : I don’t think you can place the order without any fund
treydongui : yes, I believe they basically lend it to you. give a credit until it clears
chgocal123 : While it’s pending you can use that money to buy stocks. Make sure you have the monies to back up your account. Never be sorry that’s what we’re here for to help one another. We are all here for the same thing. You are definitely learning everyday here. I’m new here been here for a half a year now. I love it!
BrokeStudent OP chgocal123 : thank you for the support!
chgocal123 BrokeStudent OP : Most definitely