FirstStrike Veteran : I am in on a different broker at 16 and my mom is in at 18. No even worried over here. we will make money
TrunksSzn OP FirstStrike Veteran : Yessir all this is a big scare tactic and the shorts will get what’s coming to them
DeepFookingValue : I'm averaged down to 10.00. If it stays low and my funds hit, going to buy some dips. YOLO!
KermitTheTrader : Same here! Half at 14 half at 7!
ArreoalPayne KermitTheTrader : Same
DeepFookingValue : Good, cuz we will. Then be part of a class action law suit. I'm not a lawyer or a financial specialist. Just my two cents on it.
FirstStrike Veteran : I am in on a different broker at 16 and my mom is in at 18. No even worried over here. we will make money
TrunksSzn OP FirstStrike Veteran : Yessir all this is a big scare tactic and the shorts will get what’s coming to them
DeepFookingValue : I'm averaged down to 10.00. If it stays low and my funds hit, going to buy some dips. YOLO!
KermitTheTrader : Same here! Half at 14 half at 7!
ArreoalPayne KermitTheTrader : Same
DeepFookingValue : Good, cuz we will. Then be part of a class action law suit. I'm not a lawyer or a financial specialist. Just my two cents on it.