Naxster : 15? Hold for 100!
Black Heavens : now you make a little sense...... depends on what you will do once it actually hits 15
pineapple_on_pizza : Nah hold for 1000
KING of TRADE : 15? Man ! Your nothing but a day trader. GTFO
UnMiStAkAbLe : 15?! way too low!
71409485 UnMiStAkAbLe : I got sucked but I got and I like the stock!!
71566476 : AMC and AG gonna be a wild ride.
magicmilktea : hold until you make comfortable profit, dont be influenced by those who have the money and patience to wait for $100–everyones situations are different, but absolutely hold.
Naxster : 15? Hold for 100!
Black Heavens : now you make a little sense...... depends on what you will do once it actually hits 15
pineapple_on_pizza : Nah hold for 1000
KING of TRADE : 15? Man ! Your nothing but a day trader. GTFO
UnMiStAkAbLe : 15?! way too low!
71409485 UnMiStAkAbLe : I got sucked but I got and I like the stock!!
71566476 : AMC and AG gonna be a wild ride.
magicmilktea : hold until you make comfortable profit, dont be influenced by those who have the money and patience to wait for $100–everyones situations are different, but absolutely hold.