Somniuh : Imagine not understanding the rules before playing expecting to ride other people's coattails just to take a loss
HTmode :
HTmode : HOLD don't be emotional
DontDrinkMyMilkshake : imagine not knowing the rules. Imagine not knowing you're in a game at all. And still "winning. "
麦菲大王 : You don’t even have any transactions and badges yet. Bye, hedge funds bot.
SpartanSqueezerAJ 麦菲大王 : Bye hedge bots
Somniuh : Imagine not understanding the rules before playing expecting to ride other people's coattails just to take a loss
HTmode :
HTmode : HOLD don't be emotional
DontDrinkMyMilkshake : imagine not knowing the rules. Imagine not knowing you're in a game at all. And still "winning. "
麦菲大王 : You don’t even have any transactions and badges yet. Bye, hedge funds bot.
SpartanSqueezerAJ 麦菲大王 : Bye hedge bots