quit being a pussy. The world is revolting and half of america has been labeled a domestic terrorists and has been smeared left right and center. We are facing the machine. and we are ants to birds. Fuck the NW0
AMC is a good stock whether it's today or post pandemic. It was valued at well over 30 a share at the beginning of the pandemic so i would expect to double or triple my money this year once the pandemic restrictions are lifted across the country. For me this feels like a safe bet.
igloob98 : not proof just a screenshot that shows a headline
LuxNova : they investigate any unusual activities, "unusual" being an umbrella term for, "if you made too much money"
heckwallstreetscum : your article didn't prove shit tho... read it entirely. the SEC has to investigate this phenomenon to cover their own ass
ghostmoney OP :
ghostmoney OP :
Somniuh : quit being a pussy. The world is revolting and half of america has been labeled a domestic terrorists and has been smeared left right and center. We are facing the machine. and we are ants to birds. Fuck the NW0
ghostmoney OP : from where? prison LMFAO wake up
71175647 : your name is perfect. ghost money. cause you no longer have any lol
ArreoalPayne : You Let Other People Control Your Pussy Hold My Pocket Pussy
Nemisys : AMC is a good stock whether it's today or post pandemic. It was valued at well over 30 a share at the beginning of the pandemic so i would expect to double or triple my money this year once the pandemic restrictions are lifted across the country. For me this feels like a safe bet.
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