OPDuque AlmanyaJorge Eliecer
yes it's making back from the Offering Dip easily and by end of week should have made all 20% back. Next week is Short Week with Monday's President Day Holiday with USA Market Closed..Have to start the Run Up back on Tuesday Open
4NewLife : how many shares is one unit?
wolfunstien 4NewLife : A unit is one I believe
70230705 4NewLife : I think one unit is 100 hundred
FirstStrike Veteran : When talking about options 1 unit is 100 shares. He but 6 units which is 600 shares.
Duque AlmanyaJorge Eliecer : Told you yesterday. I expected usd 2,80 today and is already usd 2,50 pre market
OldNormanBates OP Duque AlmanyaJorge Eliecer : yes it's making back from the Offering Dip easily and by end of week should have made all 20% back. Next week is Short Week with Monday's President Day Holiday with USA Market Closed..Have to start the Run Up back on Tuesday Open
Duque AlmanyaJorge Eliecer OldNormanBates OP : We are in the same boat!