If all goes to plan with the dems amd their stimulus package, which, it appears to be that way, cannabis are not going to slow down. This just the beginning, and as this stimulus bill progresses, all canmabis stocks will continue to bull. You wont read about it much in the news, but im predicting the grand official announcement for the end of cannabis prohibition on a federal level will come on or before March 15th. At least thats Pelosi's mission. The soft switch on legalization officially happened in 2016 when Trump and Sessions changed mariJuana into mariHuana, defining THC and CBD to be identical, and how according to the DEA, theyre the exact same thing... And according to the FDA, CBD is a dietary supplement, and big brother seems to not have any objections, hence The Farm Bill.. Weed is legal folks. Im appauled its taken this long for everyone to catch on 😅 but stoked nonetheless 🌟