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Someone please tell me...........

$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$ so here is the question that I can't get answered. First, I have a stake in this. So this isn't for the sake of having something to say.

Total outstanding shares: 52,070,000

Shares sold short. : 37,720,000

If the formula is : short shares ÷ total outstanding = short intrest percent?

So 72%??????????
And if you dont want to post the real answer, could you at least say something like "check your math" or " look at this moron".......
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  • STD0825 OP : Really, 200 plus people robots nobodies hedge funds......have seen me asking for for help and no one can answer......I hope this is successful but if it is not......it is the indifference toward others that will make this fail.

  • STD0825 OP : Well I must be the only human left in this so F it.........selling 2500 shares worth of covered puts on WB. Cheap.

  • duckmn56 : I mean it makes sense to me but I am a nobody.

  • Twisted_Iceking : i don't understand what ur asking and been sick for 3 days or i w9uld have answered

  • 71837292 : did you miss percentage day in math class? thats not how you do percentages.

  • STD0825 OP : Maybe it came across as a statement of fact, or maybe everyone already has the answer that I got.....but seeing I have been doing this for under a year.......it was a question. Is that the formula? And are the numbers of short shares and shares outstanding that I posted correct? Just looking for a little nod of yes or no on the research I did on my own.

  • STD0825 OP 71837292 : thank you for A answer......as I can only follow what I have read (by Google search). So instead of making fun of my education. Maybe you could pass 1st grade English and notice the ? at the end of those letters put together to from words. Those words when put next to other words, makes what is called a sentence. Now the important part in all this is the punctuation. Notice the symbol that looks almost like a hook, with the dot under it. That implies a QUESTION.

  • Mcsnacks H Tupack : Where’s the 52 million outstanding shares coming from?

  • SpartanSqueezerAJ : Maybe your talking to yourselves while most Americans are asleepchill out

  • Mcsnacks H Tupack : The math is right unless you’re trying for exact numbers of 72.421% but exact isn’t really used in the market

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