FirstStrike Veteran
because a lot of people love moomoo for it's information, community, chart and easy function. We talk about all stocks that can make us money because a lot of us have another account that trades OTC. For example I have Schwab but the mobile app is terrible.
FirstStrike Veteran : because a lot of people love moomoo for it's information, community, chart and easy function. We talk about all stocks that can make us money because a lot of us have another account that trades OTC. For example I have Schwab but the mobile app is terrible.
Black Heavens FirstStrike Veteran : Yesssir
GetMeABeerDude OP FirstStrike Veteran : ahhhh. makes sense.
ConchTrader : I concur with @Army Veteran
Pat Hurley : where can I buy hcmc stock? this is getting frustrating just trying to buy it
GetMeABeerDude OP Pat Hurley : I ended up making an account on td ameritrade. I have accounts everywhere now! lol. make some money
FirstStrike Veteran Pat Hurley : Find a broker that trades OTC. Hopefully Moomoo will soon.
70107480 : i open a new account at Fidelity, they trade OTC stocks. I’ve heard Ameritrade does too
Pat Hurley 70107480 : they finally allowed me to buy it thank you
天秤座的我 Pat Hurley : TD, ETRADE , SCHWAB
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