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I've been studying cryptocurrencies for a while now, still don't trust this mess, for instance I've just thought of a major issue in the future of bitcoin 🤔 imagine something becoming so valuable, it makes itself worthless! no joke, let me lay out what I see coming, they are now predicting a 600k future for bitcoin, now that is cool, but a killer for that Crypto, essentially bitcoin is going to kill itself,and here is how, step 1 (already completed) bitcoin becomes so valuable you now need smaller units called Satoshi, step 2 (coming up in about a year) bitcoin gains so much value, that Satoshi becomes so valuable that it's useless to spend, 🤷 and slam into a brick wall, and you all fall down

bitcoin is also limited quantity, Why? it's simple really, if you're a visual mathematician, like myself. they say the blockchain can't be hacked. (that's so wrong😈 and a false sense of security)
limited quantity x value, attract big business, financial institutions and corporations, why? and why is Satoshi (the founder of bitcoin) identity unknown? 🤔 allow me to do the visual mathematics for you, let's go back to the hacking part of this, THE CREATORS CAN DO WHAT EVER THEY WANT (WHEN THE TIME IS RIGHT) so as soon as they have enough global wealth tied up in bitcoin with no financial protection, they just pull the plug 🤔 think about it, the biggest global strike by china, gonna fuck up every market world wide, this attack has been a long time in the making, and it's happening right under your noses😉🤫

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  • Rebelraven : Great food for thought 💯👻 💵

  • NE1else : Isn’t it decentralized? Isn’t that the point? How can anyone pull the plug? Just asking cuz I honestly don’t know. Ok I’ll hand up and listen.

  • 70205540 : I’m on a decentralized platform for Ethereum. And I LOVE IT! No one has access to my money but me.

  • JenniferMo : That is something to defiantly think about! 🤔

  • JenniferMo 70205540: I did that too!

  • ghostmoneyOP : idiot, the developer does genius, blockchain is open source code 🤷 that's not safe, and Crypto is no longer decentralized morons, it hasn't been sense governments started taxing it and regulations

  • Keylogram : I'm not sold on bitcoin yet either. 20% of it can't be accessed because of forgotten passwords 😂

  • Augusta : What’s the alternative investment?@ghostmoney

  • Anonymoo : Bitcoin is unregulated, one of the effects of this can gives bitcoin the value of infinity or the value of zero. However, you need to understand the basic pricing model of something which is also traded currency, the only bitcoin and other cryptos are increasing is because the global market is increasing. The reason for that is if you want to transfer money unauthorised way, you need bitcoin. Another reason is traders hold it and keep it like stocks, which gives an opportunity for speculation of currency. Unlike regulated one which can be interfered by the government of that currency for example yen can be interfered by Japan if it goes too high or too low.
    So what can be the future of bitcoin then?
    To my knowledge, it will only depend on market. To my estimate bitcoin is also over speculated the near correct price should be 6000. However this rise is due to holding and using of crypto. Consider if you want to transfer money from country x to y illegally. You will buy the crypto at any price possible regardless of its market value because you will liquidate it at country y anyways. The people who hold the crypto creates a shortage of supply, and we know where there are shorts there is always high prices. Hence the overpriced cryptos you are looking at. However, once these holders starts to cash out simultaneously this crypto will fall below the correct price to say 3000 or 2000. But it's still worth it I suppose. All depends on how market is going to be in upcoming days.

  • ghostmoneyOP Anonymoo: it's a well planned attack on the global economy, every coin after bitcoin is just a side effect! and bitcoin is going up because financial institutions and corporations like tesla, and not to mention the numerous credit card companies now planning on taking cryptocurrencies and making digital wallets! your gonna see what I mean, because it starts to collapse a year from now, and blockchain is open source freeware, anybody can alter it, with a back ground in programming

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