I think I have an idea for everyone. How about creating a Moomoo debit card that's connected to Futu stock. To use the card people would make deposits by buying shares of Futu stock. Then by selling fractional shares they could use their MooMoo card to make purchases or withdrawal cash. Not sure how this would work when the market is closed. I have a cryptocurrency account through Uphold which has a card that works this way, but crypto markets are always open. Just a thought that could attract customers, and boost Futu stock popularity. Card users could be investing and making gains (or losses), and it would also create revolving business for the stock because as people spend they would also be repurchasing shares to use on their card. Win/Win for everyone
Team moomoo : Hi there, we appreciate your feedback and insight, we are happy to let you know that we have put debit card into serious consideration. Thanks for your suggestion
cockNTail : no thanks. I have my own debit cards and we don't need anymore bullshit fees. bad idea
cockNTail : now if you could process withdrawals and deposits faster that would be a much better idea.
She Beast : he yeah
treydongui : I think that's very creative at the very least and thought-provoking for sure. I think the way your mind works. thanks for sharing
zipty : I like it
Ray White : I like it ill put 100k on its creation
Savage1 : Definitely should add a debit card to the moomoo account , would be nice to have it instantly transferred to a card when withdrawn if YOu don’t want it sent to your bank and wait days
Beezerone : what's up b it's b looking see between u and me t
Beezerone : Looking good like u should
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